Urrggghhh... craaaaap....
I can NOT do color pencils this time. I dunno, maybe because they were
Prism color pencils. *glares at sister* As crazy as this seems, I think I'm
better off using Crayola color pencils than Prism color pencils. I mean,
And I can't believe I drew Sailor Moon stuff.. *moan* What's the world
coming to? But Sailor Uranus (da blond one) IS cool... she's da only reason
I watched it, other than my sister pesters me to hell to watch it with her.
We're very bored people, but it is a little interesting... after watching all
that anime, I don't think I'm ever stepping into another Anime store for a
lot time, even though I'm considering renting this Japanese version (shoujo
ai! :D)
And before you start flaming of this complete, 'disgusting atrocity', I TOLD
YOU THAT THERE WAS SHOUJO AI (Haruka and Michiru is an official couple
anyway)!! Though I didn't explain to you what shoujo ai was. Or shounen
ai. And the terms are a bit unfair. *winces* Don't hurt meeee...

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